
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Reading W6 T1

Today I was reading about the Cornavirus we had to write what parents think about the Cornavirus and doctors think about it I really enjoyed this task please leave some comments i'll be looking ford to replying


  1. Great work Harmeet it's's one of the best blog posts I'm seeing you've got all the schools in the right place you got describing words it's perfect.

    1. nice it is very good and I like how you describe the words and you should put some more information into your blog posts

    2. and i am happy that that cornavirus is not very serious in New Zealand

  2. Good morning and good afternoon depending on the time your reading this
    it is Jacob here
    I know that your worked hard on this because you finished this early
    I see that you have read the stuff article and the poem and that is on your blog.
    Next time look over your description because I can see a mistake you spell hello wrong (Hell)
    but over all this is a quality blog posts.
    keep up the good work, bye.✌
